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Seasoning flavored with greater amberjack  and green tea.

I'm happy to introduce our new product to you named

“Nakanaka Akinai Furikake chan”

This product was developed by the great cooperation of company Yoshiemaru and Kagoshima prefectural Kushira Commercial High School.The ingredients include our tea leaves.Since the tea leaves in this product are supposed to be used for drinking, it can be eaten directory. This product name has some interesting meanings.First, “Nakanaka ” came from the kanji of “skewer ” that refers to the high school’s name consisting of kanji which is read “Nakanaka ”.Second, “Akinai” came from the kanji of “commerce ” that is a homophone for the word which refers to “Someone don't stale ”.Besides, “cha” means “green tea”, so “Furikakechan” includes the meaning of “green tea”. I’ve never been able to come up with such a good name in my mind! The texture of greater amberjack flakes and tea leaves add to its taste, as well salt and sesame. It would be great with freshly-cooked rice, I also recommend serves as Ochazuke, or rice with green tea poured over it.Personally, I like pouring dark green tea, rather than ordinary tea.( *´艸`)

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