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Next process is removing tea incrustation from the tea production machines.

Today, we dedicated to rinse the machines with water. During the tea production process, we remove tea incrustation just by using spatulas.However, we need to remove tea incrustation thoroughly from machines when a tea picking is over. We use ’Kosagu’ when we remove stuff by spatulas.(note1)

Tea leaves are produced by rubbing and desiccating, which make tea incrustation on the machines. This tea incrustation is easily removed after soaking the machine in water.How to remove tea incrustation is shooting a 30-centimeter rubber bar into the machine, and switch on.In other words, shoot a bar into a washing machine, and switch on. After that make the machines thoroughly dried!When we finished the process of cleaning machine, our tea plantation cleaning process is completed.

(note1) In the Kagoshima dialect, “kosagu“ means “kosogeru (scrape off a surface )“. For some reason here in Kagoshima, we use “kosagu “ when we want to say the meaning of “kosogeru “. Refer to the web site “Oboete benrina Kagoshima -ben”.

Actually I didn't know “kosagu ”was the Kagoshima dialect until I wrote this blog.It might be interesting to check words which we usually use and see if they’re standard language or not.( *´艸`)

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